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The new laptop GPU from AMD, the Radeon RX 7900M, is meant to rival the RTX 4080

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    Alienware is more than recognizable for not just its iconic logo, but its high-powered and dedicated high-end hardware. While Alienware gaming laptops don’t come cheap, they do come integrated with some of the best graphics cards and processors available, and now the Alienware m18 is launching with the newly-unveiled AMD Radeon RX 7900M.

    According to Team Red itself, the Alienware m18 laptop is the “most advanced and powered AMD Advantage laptop”, as stated on the recent press release. The brand-new version of the signature gaming laptop is powered by the latest in AMD 7000 series processors, the AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX, but most notably, also the brand new AMD Radeon RX 7900M graphics card, which is the first laptop GPU based on the brand-new AMD chiplet design.

    The AMD Radeon RX 7900M is built upon the AMD RDNA 3 architecture, and has been engineered to bring out the state-of-the-art visuals in your favorite PC games. The latest edition to the flagship Radeon GPU line is made up of 72 AMD RDNA 3 compute units, and contains new AI and second-generation ray tracing accelerators. Along with its 16GB of high-speed GDDR6 VRAM, 256-bit bus, and 64MB of Infinity Cache, the latest in AMD laptop graphics cards is designed to push the limits of your favorite PC games.

    The Alienware m18 itself, is the successor to the Alienware m17 R5, however it isn’t new by any means. Alongside the AMD Radeon RX 7900M, the 18-inch laptop features a QHD+ 2560 x 1600 display and up to three M.2 SSDs, which can support 8.5TB of storage. Similar to other AMD advantage-certified laptops, it comes equipped with AMD Smart Technologies software. This includes AMD SmartShift Max, which enables the ability to shift between AMD Radeon GPUs and processors in real-time to boost the overall performance of the laptop. Along with the inclusion of AMD SmartAccess Graphics, allows the laptop to switch to a discrete GPU to reduce latency, and Smart Access Memory technology, which can unlock a higher performance be providing Ryzen processors full access to the laptops high-speed AMD Radeon graphics memory.

    This brand-new version of the Alienware m18 laptop, with the AMD Radeon RX 7900M, launches online in the US today, for approximately $2,799. While that is a high price even for an Alienware gaming laptop, it’s worthwhile for those wanting to catch a glimpse of what the latest AMD laptop graphics card is can do.

    Check out our guide to the best budget gaming laptops, if you’re looking for a cheaper alternative to playing your favorite PC games on the go. If you’re looking for a high-powered desktop PC instead, our best gaming PCs guide is full of a multitude of pre-built rigs to suit your every need.


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    Author: Stephanie Miller

    Last Updated: 1702183802

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    Name: Stephanie Miller

    Birthday: 1953-06-16

    Address: 36860 Henry Pike, Lisashire, IA 44641

    Phone: +3662792002116161

    Job: Fashion Designer

    Hobby: Running, Ice Skating, Skateboarding, Chocolate Making, Crochet, Tea Brewing, Skydiving

    Introduction: My name is Stephanie Miller, I am a unwavering, talented, unyielding, forthright, vibrant, unguarded, capable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.