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"Supreme 777 Jackpots" are released by Betsoft Gaming

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    Betsoft Gaming has released Supreme 777 Jackpots, an exciting multi-hand Blackjack.

    If you like Blackjack but wish it offered a little more excitement, then your wish has just been granted by Betsoft. This latest release puts the pizzazz into play with its Perfect Pairs Side Bets and Progressive Jackpot extra features. In a stylish melding of classic Blackjack with jackpot win potential, Betsoft brings the thrill of the casino with the excitement of jackpots together in one table game release.

    Supreme 777 Jackpots gives three simultaneous hands of Blackjack across six card decks, so take a seat at the baize table and relax to the light jazz soundtrack as the cards are dealt.

    Using “Las Vegas Strip” rules – except the pack is shuffled after every round and players can also double after splitting and double on cards 9, 10 and 11 only – each hand of cards is played solely against the bank. Individual bets can be placed on each hand and each feature either simultaneously or separately.

    The goal, as the player, is to score 21 or closest. Beat the bank, scoop up the winnings of 3/2x and deal again. Score 21 with the first two cards and that is Blackjack!

    However, more big thrills come on the side. With the Perfect Pairs Side Bet, match the first two cards dealt – either by face value, colour or both – for up to 25x bet. Payout is instant. All players have to do is place their bet on the PP logo.

    To further enhance the experience, Supreme 777 Jackpots lives up to its name by giving Minor, Major or Grand Jackpot win potential. The Jackpot side bet is a completely separate game to the classic Blackjack main game.

    Place the side bet on the JP logo to activate the feature. Just one lucky 7 will trigger a payout. Winning payouts increase with each 7 dealt. If the first three cards dealt are lucky 7s – it is Jackpot time. And if the 7s are all Spades, then 100% of the Grand Jackpot could be won by one player.

    The classic rules and easy interface make Supreme 777 Jackpots a non-stop experience from start to finish. With a generous 97.86% RTP and a deliberately wide betting range, every spin could see the winnings grow.

    Anastasia Bauer, Head of Account Management at Betsoft Gaming, said: “Supreme 777 Jackpots is a ‘classic with a twist’ Betsoft release. Whether you are a fan of strategy or lucky chances, this jackpot Blackjack is designed for you. Our players expect constant innovation from us and Supreme 777 Jackpots delivers on every front. We are expecting this to be a big hit with our clients.”


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    Author: Larry Fletcher

    Last Updated: 1703315162

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    Name: Larry Fletcher

    Birthday: 1984-03-28

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    Job: Sales Representative

    Hobby: DIY Electronics, Beekeeping, Cycling, Billiards, Woodworking, Horseback Riding, Drone Flying

    Introduction: My name is Larry Fletcher, I am a clever, candid, unguarded, audacious, frank, Adventurous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.